Alle experts en goeroes moeten terug naar school!
Of een warme oproep aan alle marketing-, HR- en technologie-experts die reeds met één been in de toekomst staan om ook leerlingen en...
Once upon a time there was a girl and her hands could speak…
And I was there and I saw it happen (in fact I made it happen) In other words, Using Lego® Serious Play® for market research purposes is...
Bricks as market research stepping stones.
Relevance of Lego® Serious Play® in Market Research. More and more I try to use Lego® Serious Play® (hereafter referred to as LSP) as a...
The customer first? I don't know
Or why talking about ‘first’ always implicates levels and a ‘second’ as a lesser place The reason for this short note is a blog, guess a...
Change Blindness, don't overestimate your customer
I'ts been more than a year I posted this on slide share, But it vanished in the 'endlessness' of the web. The black hole Do you know that...
The more virtual we go, the more real we’ll like to be. Or why companies are still looking for face2
I’m a market researcher, a qualitative market researcher. Being more than 20 years in the field now. I’ve seen thousands and thousands of...
WhatsApp, a research add-on with potential
My Experience A few months I posted this content already. But it was just in the open, without a website backbone, resulting in little...
Now the holidays are over, let’s keep on playing! (or the relevance of Lego® Serious Play®)
The “L” of Lift off Facilitating a Lego® Serious Play® workshop, every time again it is such a great and dynamic experience. People...