Through these examples we want to showcase some typical projects we have worked on over the last couple of years.
We tried to put together a set of cases, hoping they will illustrate what MaResCon stands for and what we can do. If you have any questions or remarks please give us a call.

Heinz HCE: Qualitative category exploration B2C
In-depth qualitative exploration of the mayonnaise category in order to search for and to define possible market opportunities
Heinz had a limited mayonnaise business in Europe. Market analysis identified key markets that showed potential. Before entering these markets a profound understanding of category behavior, decision making processes & needs was required.
Research objectives
A profound and detailed understanding of behavior, product and brands experience/perception in the local markets in order to prepare a successful (re)launch of Heinz Mayonnaise.
What is mayonnaise all about? What does the product stand for? What are the functional and emotional benefits, what are the category codes…?
Who are the successful brands, what makes them ‘successful’?
As a brand, how close or distant is Heinz from the product ‘mayonnaise’ and the brands in the category?
Geographical scope
UK, Spain, Italy and Germany
Expected results
Useful customer, product, category and brand insights to define route-to-market options
MaResCon was asked to create an overall ‘European’ report based on the information gathered in the different countries. In the analysis and interpretation our main purpose was to focus upon communalities rather than differences.
20 focus groups at central locations (London & Manchester, Hamburg, Rome & Milan, Madrid)
5 sessions in each country (3 different consumer profiles)
Prior to the sessions all participants had to do some homework (reflecting on product usage, examples of dishes, product likes/dislikes, brand choice…)
Each session took ± 2 h15
Six participants per session (according to specific profile requirements)
All sessions were moderated in the local language
The Italian, Spanish and German sessions were simultaneously translated into English. All sessions were streamed
During the sessions an array of projective techniques was used: photo sort, planet game, natural mapping, ID cards, sentence completion …
Project was executed in 2014
Lead time: 7 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, analysis and reporting. Only moderation was outsourced.

Douwe Egberts: Concept development trajectory B2C
Creative exploration of a new DE proposition in order to develop and define concept boards (for quantification purpose).
DE was working on a new proposition. Hard data were required in order to build a successful business case. So in order to be measurable, the proposition had to be formulated as a well-defined and accurate concept.
Research objectives
Formulate the value proposition in consumer-relevant language
Geographical scope
France & Spain
Expected results
Delivery of a concept that was as final as possible, both in English and in the two local languages (French & Spanish)
20 triads at central locations (Paris & Barcelona)
France: 12 triads & Spain 8 triads
The research project consisted of three main phases:
First set of triads: Critical exploration of the value proposition and identifying elements that could serve as the basis for a concept
Second set of triads: Fine-tuning the findings and building possible concepts
Third set of triads: Validating and streamlining the concepts to one final concept
Each triad took ± 2h
All sessions were moderated in the local language
All sessions were simultaneously translated into English and streamed
Project was executed in 2016
Lead time: 6 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, analysis and reporting. Only moderation was outsourced.

PepsiCo Tropicana: advertising test (B2C)
In-depth and creative exploration of the juice category, its codes and consumer knowledge in order to fine-tune draft ad concepts.
Tropicana is one of the most popular juices when it comes to taste. Tropicana owes this taste to the specific way it is made. Unfortunately, the brand does not succeed in communicating these aspects in a way that sets it apart from other juices.
Research objectives
Discover how the consumer understands, decodes and evaluates the specific terminology and arguments currently used by the different propositions
Challenge the rough advertising concept drafts in terms of consumer perception and understanding
Adjust and/or refine the advertising concept
Geographical scope
Belgium (the Dutch and French-speaking parts)
Expected results
Gain a good understanding of how consumers decode the juice terminology and arguments
Determine how to formulate the Tropicana proposition in a clear, appealing and distinctive way
Define ways to improve the concept
4 focus groups at central locations (Ghent & Brussels)
8 participants per session
Each group ± 2h
All sessions were moderated in the local language
An important part of the sessions focused on how to interpret rough ad formats & concepts. Tasting was also included to deepen the juice and brand experience.
Project was executed in 2012
Lead time: 3 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, moderation, analysis and reporting. Only French moderation was outsourced.

Van Marcke: deepening market segmentation B2B
In-depth understanding of the customer base in order to fine-tune the basic – and too superficially defined - segments.
Van Marcke has a diverse pool of clients but the segments were yet to be profiled and deepened in terms of content. Van Marcke’s customer approach was too uniform and generic, causing them to miss out on certain business opportunities.
Van Marcke (wholesalers of plumbing and heating/cooling equipment)
Research objectives
Understand the installers in the daily execution of their job
Explore ambitions, needs & expectations
Deepen the segments based on specific case studies
Detect the fundamental segment differentiators
Geographical scope
Belgium (the Dutch and French-speaking parts)
Expected results
Establish a clear overview of the needs and expectations on the installers’ market
Identify those aspects that can be used to differentiate in terms of communication, business model and service packages.
27 in-depth interviews at the installers’ premises (spread across Flanders, Brussels & Wallonia)
Each interview ± 1h
All sessions were moderated in the local language
For the interview, one of the techniques used was a kind of gap format. Based on ambitions and dreams, links were established with reality and sector-specific trends, from which dangers and opportunities were then distilled. These were subsequently used as concrete examples to inquire after the existing needs and expectations.
Project was executed end 2014
Lead time: 5 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, moderation, analysis and reporting. Only French moderation was outsourced.

ING: service pilot evaluation & optimisation B2B
Critical screening of how an adjusted service (B2B credit application) was perceived and evaluated.
ING undertook action to improve and streamline the credit application process. The new approach was piloted within a limited number of business regions.
ING (Finance)
Research objectives
Satisfaction with level of service
Spontaneous drivers & triggers with regard to (dis)satisfaction
Critical analysis of the pros and cons of the revamped service
Impact of service on brand perception
Geographical scope
Specific pilot regions (Flemish and French-speaking parts
Expected results
Gain an insight into how B2B customers experience the process on an emotional and rational level
Establish a clear overview of the strengths and possible weaknesses of the process
Suggest concrete points of action in order to optimise the process
40 telephone interviews spread across ± 5 weeks
Each interview ± 20 minutes
Recruitment and the actual interview took place on the same day. There was a maximum of three days between the actual process experience and the interview.
Project was executed in 2016
Lead time: 7 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, moderation, analysis and reporting.

Brussels Airport: Travel Agent needs exploration B2B
Exploration of the professional life of a travel agent in order to develop a questionnaire to quantify needs and segment the market.
The travel agent is an important stakeholder within a traveller’s decision-making process. Brussels Airport aims to empower travel agents and considers them a strategic ally in the creation of sustainable business growth.
Brussels Airport
Research objectives
Define & understand the different forces and contextual influencers travel agents are confronted with
Map what travel agents are missing and expecting to increase their professional value and performance
Understand the possible role of Brussels Airport within this context
Explore how to segment the travel agent market to arrive at a more profitable and efficient market approach
Geographical scope
Belgium (Flemish and French-speaking parts)
Expected results
Establish a solid base in terms of content to create a quantitative questionnaire
Offer a clear overview of all the aspects that can possibly impact and determine the work of a travel agent.
Identify all possible ways in which Brussels Airport can support travel agents
6 focus groups at central locations (Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels & Liège)
Each group ± 2h30
± 6 travel agents per session
The focus groups were combined with a meet & greet with the Brussels Airport team. The conclusions from the session were further explored over refreshments. There was ample opportunity to ask concrete questions and the travel agents were given an insight into the ambitions of Brussels Airport. In other words, in addition to market research the project also served a concrete marketing purpose.
Project was executed in 2016
Lead time: 7 weeks
MaResCon responsibility
Full responsibility: organisation, coordination, development of screener and topic guides, moderation, analysis and reporting in close collaboration with DataStories (renowned Quantitative Market Research Agency and lead in the relationship with Brussels Airport)